Checklists for Success
The Study Handbook $35
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Heron Books is a research and development team that publishes cutting-edge K-12 educational materials for the Delphian School in Oregon. Its purpose is to create a high-quality curriculum for the Delphi Program®.
Over time, the curriculum's popularity grew. Today, selections of the Delphi Program curriculum are available for use as supplementary resources for schools, homeschoolers, teachers, tutors, parents, guardians, children, teens, and businesses around the world.
About to start algebra but not sure you’re ready?
Tried to study algebra but struggled?
Still unsure about fractions, decimals, ratios or percents?
Trouble with word problems?
Math Essentials: Finding & Filling the Gaps is a tested and proven, no-frills approach to rapidly
finding and fixing the underlying reasons for trouble with algebra and higher math.
Study it.
Use it.
Get your math on track!
Designed for students who have already studied math up to algebra, Math Essentials finds and fills the gaps that hinder algebra studies. The program assumes a student has mastered basic addition, subtraction and multiplication, but it addresses division, if needed, as this was commonly found to be weak. It isn’t designated for use with a specific age or grade, but is addressed to students preparing to study algebra, and has most often been used with teens. It is best suited for Grade 7 through Grade 10 (ages 12-15).
The program includes a variety of tools an instructor can use to tailor the program to a student’s needs. The Comprehensive Diagnostic Test identifies which math skills the student hasn’t already mastered. The individual learning guide for each unit allows the student to study just what is needed. A variety of exercises allow the student to practice as much as needed and to stay sharp on skills learned.
Each of the skills covered in the program are provided in individual books as well as all together in one full book. Learning guides and exams are provided for each skill, and may be used with both the appropriate individual books and the full book.
Here's how it works.
Do this first!
Download the Math Essentials Comprehensive Diagnostic Test and administer it to your student or child. This will help you decide what you need to do next. This diagnostic test is also included in the Instructor Manual as part of the complete package. This part is free!
Your tools for getting the gaps filled!

Math Essentials Student Text
All 13 units for all the skills covered in the program are included:
place value
word problems-whole numbers
fractions-adding & subtracting
fractions-multiplying & dividing
word problems-fractions
metric measurement
customary measurement
positive & negative numbers
simple algebra
ratio, proportion & percent
simple geometry

Math Essentials Instructor Manual
This book will tell you how to get your student easily and rapidly through all of the aspects of math that need improvement.
It includes the answers for the all of the Diagnostic Tests and is essential for determining what your student needs to focus on and what they do not need to focus on.
The Math Essentials program is not designed to have students go through every part if they don't need to. It is designed for students to only do the sections they need!

Exercise Answers Booklet
This book has all the answers for all exercises in the Math Essentials units, including supplemental exercises (answers for the diagnostic tests are found in the Instructor Manual).